Thursday, July 29, 2021

Traveling Museum Now Available

The Owens-Rogers Museum is now available as a temporary exhibit in existing museums, or as a traveling exhibition. Marge Padgitt, the museum director, is available to do online and in-person presentations. 

Ginger Rogers made 73 films and multiple TV and radio shows throughout her lifetime. She made 10 films with Fred Astaire, in which they were both featured dancing and singing. 

Lela Rogers, Ginger's mother, was one of the first 10 female Marines in WWI, a hollywood script writer and producer. She also played Ginger's Mother in the movie The Major and the Minor.  

The house where Ginger was born in Independence, Missouri was re-imagined as a museum but had to close due to the pandemic. It is now owned by a fan of Ginger Rogers.

The exhibit displays include items owned by Ginger and Lela Rogers which include dresses, gowns, shoes, purses, and a tennis racket that Ginger won from a pro tennis player during a match. It also includes a large quantity of memorabilia including dolls, magazines, trading cards, and photos as well as Ginger Rogers' genealogy. 

For more information visit or send an email to 

Phone 816-833-1602 Monday - Friday 10am - 5 pm CST.